Mohr-Hanna - Breeder, Owner, Judge
BIS RBIS GCHS Kimani’s Borne Genesis, JC wins best in show at the Olympia Kennel Club dog show!
BIS GCH Kimani’s Indelible Impression, JC wins best in show at the Coeur D’Alene Dog Fanciers show!
Thanks to Breed and Group Judge Ms. Sharol Candace Way and to BIS show judge Mrs. Joan Zielinski and to Andy Linton for piloting this very special boy!!!!.
Congratulations owner Alice Walls.
GCH. Kimani's Visual Effects wins the 2015 RRCUS National Specialty!
Thank you judge Pat Trotter for this wonderful win and Lesley Anne Potts for presenting "Changa" in stellar fashion.
See Alicia's interview on AKC Celebrates Dogs!
Mr. Mafu, at 10.5 years old and still tremendous.
Best of Opposite Sex at the 2013 RRCUS National Specialty! Here handled by Dana Bryson-Benn, with Alicia looking on.
Two old bitches, communing...
2009 RRCUS Stud dog of the Year!
BISS CH Kimani's Aires Above the Ground, JC
2009 RRCUS Stud dog of the Year
2007 RRCUS National Specialty Best of Breed Winner
2007 Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed Winner
2007 Crufts Best Dog / Best of Opposite Sex
2007 Number Four Rhodesian Ridgeback (#8 all-breed)
2007 RRCUS Number Six Stud Dog (tie)
2006 RRCUS National Specialty Best of Opposite Sex Winner
2005 Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed Winner
Best in Regional Specialty Winner
Multiple Group Winner and Placer
Kennels - A legacy of healthy, beautiful Rhodesian Ridgebacks... by design!
For over 40 years the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) has been the
authority for genetic screening of purebred dogs. The OFA mission statement, "To
improve the health and well being of companion animals through a reduction in
the incidence of genetic disease", reflects the breeder's inherent
responsibility to breed animals that are, to the greatest extent possible, free
from genetic disease. Vigilance and OFA screening are the most potent tools
available to the breeder in the endless pursuit of this goal.
Paralleling the OFA's progress over those 40 years has been Kimani's
participation in OFA screening. Ch. Weecha’s Kimani of Mohridge was among the
first fifty dogs screened by the OFA in the 1960's. And recently a new
milestone has been achieved...
Kimani’s Motion Picture II has become the 1,000,000th dog screened by the OFA!
Congratulations to our co-owners Patricia Hoffman and Marion Niscia on this
important piece of Ridgeback health history!
Ch. Kimani's Lasting Impression
2006 National Specialty Winner!
If you don't see the Main Menu in a
frame to the left, Click Here! Data sources include: the
R.R.C.U.S. , the AKC,
the OFA,
CERF , and R.R
Pedigree Online Search Tool.